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Educational Investment Seminars
with Gene Walden

Would you like to have best-selling author Gene Walden speak to your group? Mr. Walden offers educational investment seminars for community and service organizations and associations. To inquire about having Mr. Walden speak to your group, call 952-926-0964 or email

Here are some of the topics that Gene Walden can address for your group: 

The 10 Biggest Mistakes Investors Make
How many have you made? Successful investing is often more a matter of avoiding big mistakes and big losses than picking winners.

Learn the most common mistakes investors make, and how you can avoid those mistakes in your investment decisions.

The Best and Worst in Tax-Advantaged Investing
Geared primarily to affluent investors, the presentation will cover the pros and cons of a wide array of products designed to keep your taxes to a minimum. 

If Not Stocks, What?
  Based on his new book from McGraw-Hill, Mr. Walden will cover these points:
·        What role stocks and stock mutual funds should play in your portfolio
·        What other investments you can use to provide diversification
·        The pros and cons of various alternative investments
·        The best investments for income, for tax breaks, and for appreciation
·        How to put it all together in a properly-diversified portfolio
Getting More From Your Fixed Income Investments
Not happy with your 1% CD return? Gene discusses a broad universe of other investment options that can juice up your income significantly.

Building an All-Star Stock Portfolio
    How can you put together a winning stock portfoli
·        What to look for in a good long-term stock
·        When to buy and when to sell
·        How to build a properly diversified portfolio

Putting More Power in Your Portfolio
What will you need to finance an active life and a prosperous retirement?
·        How will inflation affect your spending power?
·        What types of investments can help you beat inflation?
·        What other strategies can give you an edge in the market?

How to Manage Your Broker
Are you getting the service and performance you deserve from your investment advisor? Based on Gene’s award winning best-seller, Winning with Your Stockbroker in Good Times and Bad, this presentation helps you understand what to expect from your broker, what to watch out for, and how to find the perfect broker for you.

For more information or to book a talk, please call 952-926-0964 or email gwalden@mn.rr.com.

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