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Stocks from Square One

With Gene Walden
The perfect place to start for beginning investors


If you don’t know a stock from a bond or a mutual fund from a municipal bond, this entertaining primer from best-selling author Gene Walden is the perfect place to start.

       In very simple, jargon-free terms, you’ll learn:

  • What is a stock
  • How are stocks traded
  • What is the difference between a stock, a bond and a mutual fund
  • What types of stocks and mutual funds should be in your portfolio
  • A very simple system to set up your own stock investment program

 Mr. Walden is the author of more 20 books on stocks and personal finance, including The 100 Best Stocks to Own in America (now in its 7th edition), The 100 Best Mutual Funds to Own in America, 100 Ways to Beat the Market, and If Not Stocks, What?

It’s an ideal gift for high school or college students or any new investor interested in learning how to succeed at stock market investing.

Stocks from Square One with Gene Walden

 60-minute CD, $19.95  

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Regularly $19.95--Buy now for just $15.95!

Or send check or money order to Walden Resources, 5805 Dale Ave., Edina, MN  55436
(If you experience problems processing your payment, please call 952-926-0964)

The truth behind Stocks from Square One
Gene Walden here. I wanted to tell you why I created this audio CD.

The answer is very simple. In 20 years of writing books and columns on stock market investing, I've never seen a book or a tape that is truly geared to the absolute investment beginner. My purpose in creating this CD was to give beginning investors something really simple, straight-forward and easy to understand.

I also tried to make it fun to listen to in order to get you through some information that could have been very dry and dull. But I did my best to put as much life into this audio presentation as possible--with the help of my good friend John Paul Hogan, who is an actor and professional in the broadcast buisiness. 

I also tried to make it VERY affordable so you can spend your money on your investments instead of on books and tapes on investing techniques.

How this will benefit you

If you're new to investing--or even if you've been around the block but are still a little hazy on the interworkings of the stock market--this CD is a great place to start.

Or, if you have a son or daughter, grandchild, niece or nephew just reaching the age where they may be ready to start saving or investing, this would be a gift that will keep on giving for years to come.

In the CD, I've tried to explain in very simple terms how stocks work, why companies issue stocks, and how investors can benefit by investing in those stocks. 

I also explain how you can get a stake in the stock market very easily through mutual fund investing. I talk in some detail about the different kinds of mutual funds, and the benefits of investing in mutual funds.

I also talk about the difference between stocks and bonds. In the presentation I spend a little time talking about the bond market and how bonds work. Personally I find bonds pretty boring, so I try to get through that section as quickly as possible, but I still felt it was important to explain bonds so that you get a full understanding of the options available in the broad investment market.

I also give a few tips on how to invest successfully in stocks and mutual funds.

And finally I offer a very simple plan for long term investors that will help you invest in the market with little time or effort and still be assured--believe it or not--of outperforming many of the professional portfolio managers on Wall Street. Hard as that may be to believe, when you hear my explanation--which I offer in very simple, easy-to-follow terms--you'll understand how the system works, and how you can use it to build a profitable stock portfolio of your own through a lifetime of investing.

Well, I hope you enjoy the CD. For just $15.95, it should return its value to you many times over. But if for any reason, you're not satisfied, just return it to me for a full refund. I can say that with little worry because I'm quite confident that once you hear the CD, you're going to love it and learn from it and probably pass it on to someone else you know. 

So good luck and may your investments go nowhere but up.
-- Gene Walden

Save 20% Plus Free Shipping!!
Regularly $19.95--Buy now for just $15.95!

Or send check or money order to Walden Resources, 5805 Dale Ave., Edina, MN  55436
(If you experience problems processing your payment, please call 952-926-0964)

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